Baby in a Purse!

Cops found a 2 week old baby inside a womans purse during a traffic stop. She was lookng for her license when a cop hear an infant cry and asked her where it came from. She then revield the baby. This is so crazy.... i dont tthink she was charged with anything I guess she just didnt feel like holding the baby and she was walking... not sure. Your thoughts??

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  • Putting a new born baby in a purse is weird and dangerous, period.  But having them in your purse while you are driving?  You could get in an accident and your purse isn't going to do much to protect your child.  I think the mother of the baby might have some mental issues.

  • I think that was a really dangerous thing to do. She should've found a different way to carry her around.

  • thats good parenting.

  • I think this depends on how large the purse was and how long he baby was in there.... But it just should've been in a car seat.

  • That's horrible. The baby should have been in a car seat. I hope she was charged.

  • wow, that is terrible, she should have been charged

  • She should have got like a ticket for having a kid in dangerment. That should be child abuse or something

  • That's terrible! She should have been charged with something like child endangerment. She should have had the baby in a car seat not a purse.

  • This is terrible!! Why doesnt she get a carrier than if she doesnt want to carry it. I think should have been charged because it should have been in a car seat in the car.

  • I don't know why she would have carried it in her purse. She must have gotten tired of holding it. I guess if she kept it open like in the picture it probably made a pretty good little bed for the baby. Hopefully she kept it opened otherwise it would have gotten hard for the infant to breathe.

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