As of May 2022, 43 percent of formula products went out of stock nationwide. Due to this decrease in supply, there is an extremely high demand for baby formula. prices have spiked exponentially. "As high as 18 percent," says CAP. This has caused many people to "stockpile" baby formula. Some are even buying the formula and selling it to vulnerable parents at a "marked-up" price on sites like eBay. The shortage began when a company known as "Abbot Nutrition" had a product recall, and was shut down for several months. This was a supply shock because "Abbot Nutrition" was responsible for 43 percent of baby formula production. Many blame the U.S food administration for allowing only a few big corporations to take over the supply of formula. In an attempt to solve this shortage issue, foreign products are being airlifted to try to help solve this problem. The U.S. has also declared the Defense Product act. This gives factories first grabs on the ingredients needed to make the baby formula.
In conclusion, the shortage of baby formula has caused terrible issues for families and children. I think this is terrible and the government should, moving forward,focus on backup plans for factories that are shut down in the food production industry.
Has anyone you know been affected by this shortage? (If yes, Explain how)
What are your thoughts on people buying formula and reselling it for a higher price?
In my opinion, the people buying and re-selling formula are cruel. How do you see starving babies and proceed to buy out there only food source. Theres many moms that cant breastfeed and can only afford cheap formula. I personally dont know anyone whos been affected but my aunts baby is due in a month so I hope they get this sorted out.
i agree it's very cruel. I'm also hoping the whole thing gets sorted out.
I do not know anyone that has been affected by this shortage but that doesnt mean that parents arent being affected by this shortage. I think it is horrible that people are buying baby formula and selling it on sites like ebay for crazy prices. Its horrible because some parents depend on baby formula to feed their babies and the people who are reselling the baby formula are totally taking advatage of the parents who NEED the formula.
It's true a lot of parents depend on baby formula. People reselling baby formula are 100 percent taking advantage.
Yes I do know some people have been affected by it. She was begging and pleading for formula. Her baby was actually allergic to her breast milk and would get hives and rashes. But she had no other way to feed him. She had to breast feed him, just so he would survive. You couldn't find it on Ebay, and if she could buy it, she would. People were hogging the formula and her baby was being affected. She had to take her kid in once a week to the doctor to make sure it was ok to continue on doing it. This was also making her bills rise. It is very expensive already to have a child but this is uncalled for.
this is so crazy. It's terrible that she was forced to pay high prices for formula. And was forced to also feed her baby milk it couldn't haves.
In my opinion, I think it's very cruel and selfish that people are buying the formula and selling it for outrageous prices. There are babies all over the U.S. that need food and some mothers aren't able to provide their breast milk for multiple reasons so they resort to formula. So when the formula starts to disappear a lot of mothers break down because they can't feed their babies and there's nothing they can do about it. This problem happened with my sister-in-law and her baby, her baby has to have special formula because she has acid reflux issues, and originally her formula was $30-45 but during the shortage, people were buying and selling it for $80-95.
I like how you mentioned the mothers breaking down. It's so hard for parents with this whole situation.
I think it is so horrifying for many parents as this could be the only source of food for their kids. Some mothers cannot produce enough milk so they have to depend on formula. I do now know anyone that has been affected by this shortage of formula.
I agree it's horrifying they don't know if there baby's will be fed.