This man decades later finds his twin brother from memories when he was only 4 after being at a concentration camp. It was a beautiful story. Social media is making finding long lost relatives friends, etc. easier. Thoughts on the story?
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wow what an awesome story. i hope he finds his brother soon. its amazing how he even survived the camps, but to try and find his brother is also amazing .
That is great for those two. It's good that they could find each other after all those years.
That's great that they are now reunited! The things that technology and social media do for people are absolutely amazing. Its great that they both made it through the concentration camps and are now together again.
Wow. That is really neat. It looks like they have a lot of catching up to do. It would be like meeting for the first time.
This is so amazing! I can't imagine how difficult that would have been and how happy they probably were when they found each other!
I definitely agree with the social media making it easier to find people! I'm glad the man finally found his brother! I would be so happy to find my long lost brother if I was him!
It is amazing that they have been reunited after all of these years! I love hearing stories like this. It's sad that they've been without each other for so long.
That's great!! I couldn't imagine being seperated from my brother and being at a concentration camp at the same time! That would be awful! I'm happy for them that they got to reunite again!
This is awesome that this happened i am glad that he got to find his twin brother, and i am very surprised.
What a great story!! Even though they had a rough past, they found each other anyway which is amazing! I'm so happy for them, I don't know how I would feel if I had to be seperated from my brothers that long, even if they are a pain sometimes.