This man went to a Best Western and threw coffee in the front desk clerk's face before robbing them. Number one, why hot coffee? It isn't the worse, but it still could burn the person, depending on how hot. The police have searched for the guy, but they cannot find him! The search was unsuccessful. I don't understand what people are thinking when they go to rob anything or anyone. It's quite sad. Anyway, what are your thoughts?
That would hurt when the coffee hits your face and burns. I don't know why you would throw coffee at someone before you rob them.
hot coffee would hurt to get thrown at. why cant they find him, shouldnt there be security camras. or some kind of security system. i hope they find him
Well first off this guy was apparently smart to use coffee i doubt that anybody has tried that before. Who would rob a hotel?? I can't imagin how much money he would have gotten because most hotels don't keep very much cash on hand they keep most of it in a safe. Dumb robber
hahahaha, seriously laughed out loud about this one!! not about the robery and all..but coffee? come one!! i cant take this robber seriously!! obviously it worked.. but still!! come on man! that was defiently a weird way of robbin the hotel!! weird!! i hope they catch and let him get a taste of that best western coffee!!
First off, something was obvousily not all there in his head for him wanting to rob. &Than Coffee? Poor guy, that would burn. Especially if his eyes were open! Ouch! The world nowadays!
This is kind of funny, the robber was not thinking very clearly when he chose his weapon obviously. why can't anyone find this culprit? He seemed a little dimwitted (what with the coffee flinging and all) so one would conclude that he would have been an easy capture. Wired.
that is weird. why coffee and who is that stupid to throw coffee in somebodies face.
Well, i guess coffee would be better than a gun or a knife of something. The man at the counter could've been killed instead of burned. But it still isn't a good thing to do.
I hope they find the thief. He shouldnt have thrown coffee on that man it could of hurt him badly.
That's really weird! I mean, coffee? Really? People these days just do the stupidest things for the stupidest reasons!