After being wrongly prosecuted as the mastermind of crime she was never part of Gloria Killian thought she would never make it out of prison, but then she met Joyce ride the mother of Sally ride the first female Astronaut. Joyce was part of a grout that would go into prison and visit the women. After becoming good friends with Gloria, Joyce asked her why she was in prison and Gloria explained what happened. After hearing how Gloria was wronged Joyce hired a private investigator and started to look for clues that could free Gloria. After a decade and a 100,000 of searching and fighting for her freedom Joyce got Gloria freed. 

I think it's awesome that she did this to help Gloria and now she is free. I bet it was really hard to get all the money to pay for the trial and all but I think it was worth it. 

Find the story here

Do you think that it was the right thing for Joyce to help Gloria even when it cost so much? Why? Would you have done it for a friend? 

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  • Be sure to stay away from yes/no questions and reply to people's comments.

  • i think she did the right thing. i would of done it for a friend

  • I think it was nice of Joyce to help Gloria out despite the cost. She didn't have to do it and yet she still did and she deserves to be recognized for her effort

  • This is a nice thing to do for the people it shows that some people in this world aren't so selfish and can actually care about others and do something good for them. 

  • Yes if she said she didn't do it and there was no proof she did it I think she did the right thing. If I knew my friend would never do that kind of thing I would try my best to get her out.

  • I think is's great they were able to free a woman who was in prison who shouldn't have been there in the first place. 

  • what a crazy story cant believe that Joyce had that much trust in Gloria what a great thing to do it is to bad that Gloria had to spend 10 years in jail for something she did not do but at least she got out and was proven innocent. 

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