Assigned Blog 2 9/11

September 11th, 2001 is a day in our history that nobody will ever forget. It is a day that will live on forever in infamy because of how it affected and took away the lives of so many Americans.

The morning of September 11th began just like any other day, with people going though the motions of a typical morning.  Whether it be going to work, going to school, or for the unlucky people that day, boarding one of the four planes that would be taken over by Al Qaeda. The four planes included American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77, and United Airlines Flight 93. Each of the planes had a different target to hit, and all but one of the planes would become like a large scale missile and  hit their target, leaving unfathomable destruction in their wake.

The First flight to be taken over was American Airlines Flight 11, it was under the control of four skilled hijackers who were members of a terrorist group know as Al Qaeda. The men got up from their seats and charged the cockpit, then sliced the throats of the pilot and copilot. After they had possession of the plane's controls they made an announcement over the planes P.A system " We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay. We are returning to the airport.Nobody move. Everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet.Nobody move please. We are going back to the airport. Don't try to make any stupid moves." They couldn't have told a bigger lie if they tried. The plane wasn't going back to the airport at all, it was headed straight for the North Tower of the World Trade Center. At exactly 8:46am it crashed into the tower with a firey explosion that killed all the people on the plane and hundreds upon hundreds of people who were located in the tower, in and around the impact zone. At this point in time it was considered to be a tragic accident, and many people were shocked, terrified and already morning the loss of life that just occurred. We finally realized that it was not an accident at all when the second plane, United Airlines Flight 175 flew straight into the South Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03am. , having a similar affect as the first plane.

None of the people in or above the impact zone of the Towers would survive. Many below the impact zones did not understand the immediate danger they were in, causing them to not evacuate the tower in time and have a similar fate as those above them.  For those who tried to escape, the task was daunting. When the planes crashed they blocked stairways making escape out of the towers a difficult feat that for many proved unsuccessful, and ultimately fatal. However the men and women who were in the towers at the time were not the only ones whos lives were in danger. Hundreds of firefighters and policemen put their lives at risk to save the people trapped inside. Many People escaped the towers safely but thousands of other citizens and rescuers were not as lucky. When the towers collapsed all hope of helping those who remained inside was lost.

We all certainly remember the two planes that hit the Twin Towers,  but we must not forget the other two planes that were also involved in the largest terrorist attack in United States history. American Airlines Flight 77 was flown into the Pentagon at 9:37am killing 55 people and injuring many others.  United Airlines Flight 93 that was headed for the White House crashed into a Pennsylvania field, after the brave citizens on the plane took control. Their bravery will never be forgotten. Nothing that happened that day will ever be forgotten.

The happenings of September 11th greatly impacted the United States, not just because of the immediate destruction and almost 4000 casualties, but because we have been at war with the middle east ever since. Seeking revenge on the Al Qaeda organization for the destruction that they inflicted on us. I have experienced the after affects of 9/11, because my sister Allison has been sent on four different deployments to fight against Al Qaeda and prevent future attacks, along with my brother in law Ian who was deployed for 18 months, fighting the same fight. 9/11 is a very emotional topic for me to blog about because I know that the reason my family is risking their lives overseas is because of the events of that day. That day will forever be burned into my memory, along with every other American. We Will Never Forget!

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