Arrested Dreams

A teen was arrested after an odd dream that he had. He woke up and told his parents, who didn't believe him. He decided to call the police and tell them. The station told him if he called back, he'd be arrested. It was a misuse of 911, because it wasn't an emergency. 
Honestly, I find this unintelligent that a person would call 911 just because of a dream. It is hard for other people to understand your dreams, because they weren't there or "in" them. I can't understand why someone would do this. What are your thoughts? Do you think he was unreasonable in his choice?

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  • This just really sounds sorta dumb. There really was no need to call 911 and he was obviously doing it for attention because he kept saying he needed to prove something to his family.

  • I have never had a dream that real i hope i never do.

  • I'm really curious as to what the dream was. obviously calling 911 to tell them is not the brightest idea. but what would make them think it was?

  • This definitely sounds like this teen just wanted attention, why else would he call 911 over a dream. That seems like the last thing someone would think of doing.

  • wow i can't believe he called the police for something like his dream even if it was a little odd most people would just forget it or let it go but then he kept calling if he saw this in his dream getting arrested wouldn't he want to stop that

  • Calling the Police was a little to the extreme side if you ask me, but I mean some people can and do have dreams that are so very realistic, that when they wake up if feels like it actually happened. I know of a few who have had this happen to them. (not the calling 911, but waking up and feeling like the dream happened) but yes, calling 911 was pushing it.

  • I think this teen was a little dramatic for doing this. but obviously this teen was pretty spooked about something and i dont think it was completely necessary to arrest him. But i wonder if he was sleep walking of some kind you always here about things like how people talk and walk even though they are asleep

  • I think the police should have took it at least a little seriously. Sometimes when i have dreams, it feels like they actually happen to me. Or at least little bits of the dream. 

  • I think that it was ridiculous of him to call 911. If he was freaked out about the dream, he should've like talked to somebody about it. He shouldn't have called in the first place, but I don't see why he would call again. the person told him what would happen if he called, so I think he is just ridiculous!

  •  I don't think he should have called the cops. I have some weird dreams sometimes but i don't go and call the cops about them. I just brush them off.  He might have just wanted attention who knows. 

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