The army recently painted one of their tanks pink. Many people think the reason they painted it Pink was to support Breast Cancer. They actually painted it Pink so when new Army members are in training they can practice and know what tank to shoot at when they get to war.
i think that's awesome! i love the color pink, obviously.. since i used to have a pink car. I think pink should be a more common color for vehicles!
This is a good idea to pant it pink. Thats good that they came up with this idea and so now that they will know which one to shoot at. I think they should have made it about breast cancer to but thats still a good idea.
I think this is pretty awesome. But on the other hand, when at anytime is an army tank going to be pink when they are actually going to target a real tank. Its not very realistic but pink is pretty cool so its okay.
I think that is pretty cool! I surely would like a pink tank! Regardless of what they really painted it for, i think the thought of supporting breast cancer was on their mind too.
That's interesting! That is also a creative way to support breast cancer.
Thats pretty cool. I think they should actually make one for breast cancer, that would look sweet. But it wouldn't be very smart because it would be really easy for the enemy to find them and shoot at them.
I think that is really awesome! Alot of people don't agree that woman should be able to go into the army, so i think that is really awesome! It also fits with breast cancer aweness month! It's clever way for training! That's for sure!
A pink tank is so awesome. And intimidating. I f we stationed some pink tanks in war, the enimies would come out with their hands up.
That's a good idea. I thought that had a pink tank for girl troops.
Thats different, but yet cool. It's a good idea to paint them colors like pink to know which tank to shoot artillery at. It would of been cool if it was supporting breast cancer.