Arlington National Cemetery

The history of Arlington National Cemetery


Arlington National Cemetery became a national cemetery on June 15, 1864. Arlington was established by George Washington's adopted grandson in which once he died he gave it to his daughter. Upon her death her oldest son would inherit the property. Lees abandoned the property at the start of the civil war. 


On May 15, 1864 the first Military burial was conducted for Private William Christman. Being buried at this cemetery initially wasn’t considered an honor but it did ensure that family members of people in service would have a good burial. The first memorial day was held at Arlington National Cemetery on May 30, 1868. This became so popular that in 1873 the Amphitheater was made to hold these ceremonies. In 1900 the Congress designated a spot for Confederate Soldiers. The Confederate section has the graves of 482 veterans and spouses. 


The Tomb of the Unknown soldiers was dedicated November 11, 1921. The Tomb of the Unknown soldier is so that we remember the soldiers that were lost and combat. These were people that were never able to come back to their homes.


This cemetery is 639 acres but started at 200 acres. This cemetery is located in Arlington VA. There are approximately 400,000 veterans that are buried in Arlington national cemetery. This place is a very cool place to visit and it helps us remember about the soldiers that we have lost.

Have you been to Arlington National Cemetary?


Have you seen The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?


Have you been in to DC?

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  • Good topic choice Dallas. Your summary is well done but I would like to see more of your thoughts as well. Be sure to comment earlier in the week as it will lead to more comments by students. 

  • I have never been to the Arlington National Cemetary before but I think it would be fun to go.  I would really wanna see the tomb of the unknown soldier because everyone is always talking about how cool it is. Mabye one day I'll end up taking a trip to DC.

  • Yes I have been to Arlington National Cemetary before, I have also seen the Tomb of the unknown soldier. I went my 8th grade year on the Washington D.C. trip taken in February. It was all very interesting, I really enjoyed the trip in all, it was a great experience.

  • I have been to arlington national cemetary when I was in 8th grade. I went with our class to washtiongton DC and we vited the tomb of the unknow solder. I didnt knwo what the tomb was until we went and watched the changeign of the guard.

    • I went their in 8th grade aswell and I had a lot of fun. I liked the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier because it was unique. I really like DC and this was one of the cooler places in terms of Uniqueness and what they do their.

  • I never went to a Arlington National Cemetary it's probably be fun to go there and see everything that is there. I never seen the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in that cemetary. I never went to DC in my whole life but it will be cool to go there and see everything.

    • I think that it is a very cool place. The tomb of the unknown soldier is very unique and is a great way to remember soldiers. Their is a lot of things to do in DC.

  • I have been to Arlington national cemetary, it was very cool and i liked walking through it and seeing all of the tombs. I also liked seeing the tomb of the unknow solder, We went to D.C. in 8th grade and thats when i saw all of that, i would also like to go again to D.C.  

    • I have also seen the cemetary. I liked DC it had a lot of cool things and I really liked walking through it. I would love to go again aswell.

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