This article was a discussion article explaining if women are responsible for getting themselves raped. Saying that if women drink too much or wear provocative clothing, women, themselves are blamed if they get raped. This article explained in a very good reference disputing this ridiculous argument. It said, "Blaming excessive drinking for sexual assault among women is like blaming someone who left their keys in their car for the theft of their vehicle. Is leaving your keys in your car unwise? Yes. Is it the cause of your car being stolen? No. The person who stole your car is the responsible one. Besides, they do not need your keys to take your car." 

To me that is a brilliant argument. Men are not dogs. They do not have to go after every bone you dangle in front of them. To me the argument that women cause themselves to get raped is per garbage. Why should women have to not enjoy life in the way men do? Why should they have to fear enjoying themselves at a club because someone might think of them as "an easy target"? It's purely ridiculous. 

What are your thoughts? Are women to blame for getting themselves raped? Or are the rapists?

Here is the link the full story.

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  • Great topic choice and very well done!

  • They should in no way have to fear enjoying themselves. I think it is ridiculous to blame women for being raped. They don't chose to be raped. Men get the idea in their head and act. How are women to be blamed for this? They shouldn't. No matter how drunk a woman is or how provocative their clothing is, men will do what they want. It has nothing to do with how women act.

  • Women are not the ones to be blamed it's the rapist that should be blamed for it because there is no reason women shouldn't be able to go out and enjoy themselves. Women should be able to do what they want they shouldn't be raped because there walking around at night. But it's not women out enjoying themselves all the time sometimes these rapist sit and watch these peoples house and then one day go in kidnap them and rape them.

    • In some cases yes that is true.

  • If women rape men,that's women's fault,or not

    • What? 

  • It is not the women's fault! Seriously! If they wanted to be raped wouldn't they hold up a sign that says "RAPE ME!"? Probably not but you get the point. Women aren't asking for it ever. At a club, a restaurant, book store, Starbucks, Walmart, or anywhere else. If some woman want to go to a club and feel like she's 23 she can wear a mini skirt and a semi-revealing top and not be asking for it. Someone wearing a huge sweatshirt, sweatpants, and comfortable shoes aren't asking for it either. It is the fault of the sick, twisted, disgusting pig rapists, not the girls who didn't want it to happen.

    • You have summed up my feelings exactly. 

  • I think that women are and not just because I am a man but because some women like to dress up like they need to so a lot of themselves and get drunk at the same time is a bad choice, but it is their choice and that makes them the "easy target" because of that choice

    • So why should women not be allowed to have a good time because some guys can't control themselves? Why should they sacrifice what they enjoy because some guys can't understand look but not touch? Maybe some guys should stay in because apparently they don't have enough control to hand themselves when they are drunk. 

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