Remember when websites like Facebook, Twitter, and others were mostly about sharing pictures about you and your friends (or family) having a fun time?

For some people these days are gone. People like the 16-year-old Hannah Anderson was taken hostage by James DiMaggio after he killed her mom and little brother. After Hannah was freed she went to and answered the questions about her ordeal. She didn’t respond with a few questions, she fielded a long list of probing questions.

Many other people have been/are sharing the most heartwrenching events in their lives. In the past month or so friends and families on Facebook and Twitter have posted things and information about the deaths of parents, grandparents, and other things.

Why would you post personal things on the internet for others to see even if they don’t know that person?

Some people say “It can clearly help some people by sharing painful experiences; the show of support by others helps that person not feel so down and sad about the situation” and others may say “People that have been used to social media for a long time have become used to sharing events online about their experiences of the everyday life. And by being used to this we have extended of what we share from our daily lives on the internet.” Have you been on Facebook and Twitter at night and see people sharing their triumphs and terrible losses? I believe that there is a connection between willingness to posting the private things in your lives and the things you watch on TV. Be it like “The Real World” or more contrived ones like “Honey Boo Boo” or “Keeping up with the Kardashians.” They have made it easier and more acceptable for us to do the same.

I think that the best thing you could do is to get control of what you post online so somebody doesn't wind up bulling you online for posting certain things or somebody comes along and kidnaps you. It’s your choice whether to disclose deeply personal information, although those who find it unnerving or inappropriate can keep that information secret in case they might hurt somebody’s feeling, but for the other people, social media may end up being a less expensive but helpful form of therapy when they may need that.


Website: (includes news video)

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  • I think some people might share a little too much on the internet. Most do it without realizing it could be bad. Sharing little things about your day is fine, but I think we need to learn that sharing some things isn't right. You probably shouldn't share your whereabouts at every second. 

  • In some cases we are posting too much about our personal lives online, however it is a good anonymous place to vent sometimes. That's just the norm in our society. 

    • But i think that we could still keep somethings personal because it is our PERSONAL lives and most people shouldnt be involved if we dont know them.

  • I do think some of the thing that people say online are taking it to far. I also think that if it helps someone to share what they are going through by posting it online that they could do that.

    • But they also need to make sure that they want to post something so they don't go missing or get bullied

  • Yes, I agree with what you are saying. Some people these days post way to much about your personal life on the internet. Posting things about your personal life is at risk I think, because you never who could be reading it. I also agree with the earlier comments that maybe it would be a better idea sharing it to a family member or close friend.

  • Putting too much online just means that anyone can if if your going to be home, or away for a while. Also since they can see your address, they could break in at any time and rob you.

    • And if you have your phone number on your profile they can also call you or text you and harass/bully you. Even though i don't see why people would do that but it happens.

  • I think that it is okay to share things about deaths of your family members, pets, etc. But also you should not say to much about it. i think its not right to share how they died or what soever.

    • Yea, some people might not wanna have to read that on Facebook because it might be disturbing for them and a little too much information.

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