Are we all really going to die in 2012?

so alot of people are saying these days that we are all gonna die in the year 2012.. this year... and the exact date of our deaths is supposed to be...dun dun dun...December 21st of this very year. i personally dont think that we are all going to die. maybe i just have more faith?? or maybe its the fact that they also said that we were all going to die may of last year.. i believe it was the 25th of may because there was an earthquake and alot of other NATURAL disasters that day... just a coincidence... right?

tell me what you think about this...


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  • yeah very odd. Well the leap year wasn't set up until way after the calender had been ended and they didn't account for the leap day so it should really be like 2015 already so we surrvived it if it was suppose to happen. So i think it is a bunch of bull to get people hyped up about something else
  • I don't think we will die in 2012. I think this is rediculous, especially since they said we would die last year and many other dates in the past.

  • I do not believe everyone is going to die this year.  A lot of people believe the world is going to end because the Mayan calendar ended on December 21, 2012.  I believe it ended because the Mayans died out not because the world is going to end.

  • I dont think so... I think the Mayans just died and never had enough time to finish the calender.

  • If you havn't read anyone elses coments there is no way we are going to dye on that date. Like everyone else is saying no one knows the date nor time. Besides how many times have we heard this Were all going to die from people?


  • I dont think the world going to die this year ... i think thats gonna happen in 100,000 years .. but i think its really difficult it happen now

  • This is stupid, we are not going to die... boohoo the mayan calendar is running out. im sure somebody is already making a new calendar.. like it is hard to do? No. nothing is going to happen to us.

  • Fiction, I dont see how they can predict when were going to die. They have said that everyone was supposed to die many times.

  • I think it's just a bunch of  bull poop. I bet the Mayans just got lazy and didn't want to make anymore calendars!

  • Fiction, because one major reason is the Mayan calandar, they stopped on THAT date. So what? What if they just didn't want to make any more?

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