These pictures ^ were ordered to be the on the cover of every cigarette pack in the US by the government, but 5 leading manufacturers have argued that the government are intruding on their first amendment. (freedom of speech) The goal of putting the pictures on the packs and cartons was to disgust the customers to the point of not buying them anymore.
I think that the government has the right do this. Smokers already know what they are doing to their bodies and everyone around them, they just dont see it. Now they will. It;s like the saying 'out of sight, out of mind'.
Check it out:
They can do what they want but most smokers will probably ignore it.
i think its a good idea that they should put those pictures on the cigarette pack so smokers sees how smoking effects your body. So hopefully they ban smoking.
I think its a great idea to do this. Some people dont realize what they are doing to there bodies. Maybe they will realize what they are doing to there bodies and stop smoking.
I think this is a good idea. The government has the right to let people know how they are harming themselves.
I actually totally agree with the cigratte companies NEED FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
I can see both points of view; this is intruding on the cigarette companies' freedom of speech, but people do need to know what these cigarettes are doing to their bodies.
I sort of agree that it's intuding on their first ammendment or maybe some other ammendment but I don't think that the government can tell a company want to do. Now if the store wants to put these posters up or whatever then yeah, totally, but I don't think the government should interfer with these companies.
i disagree. I do not think the government has the right to this. The country would suck if the government went in and thought they could intrude on any business. I bet there are at least a couple congress men that smoke. I think smoking is not great, and i don't do it, but the people that do already know the risks. Obviously it's addictive and the people that smoke are only hurting themselves. I don't think that puting these pictures on the packs would make much a difference.
there are alot of people who just ignore whats going on around them... they think that everyone is going to tell them what they should and should not do.. heres us telling you what to do.. QUIT!! its not good for you and you could and probably will die... so yeah, the government has a full right (and responsibility) to protect the citizens and visually tell them to stop!
people are going to smoke no matter what. there have been so many other campaign type things to get people to quit but the companies will keep on producing and people will keep on buying. its just how it is.