last weeekend tupac shakur did a concert, but it was hologram of himself. tupac performed with snoop dogg and it was original. It wasn't a concert recorded from the past it was all new stuff and now they are talking about doing the same thing with Elvise.
what do you think? would you go see a dead artist perform a concert?
I dont go to concerts anyways but i would definetly not pay to see basically a movie of a guy singing.
if he the artist was good yes but if the artist wasn't i wouldn't bother
I think its cool but Im not sure its such a good thing, That would make it easy for them to "make" him say/rap something he never would have done.
that is so cool, but i would only go to a holographic concert if it was someone im a fan of, tupac yes, elvis no
I think its weird, seeing a concert without a real person performing it. I would not go see a holographic concert.
i think i would go see him that wwould be swwet to see
I saw a video of Tupac's performance with Snoop Dogg and it was absolutely amazing. Tupac looked so real! It's so amazing that they can do something like that.