Anti-Racist Drug

This drug is believed to rid a person of being a racist. Propranolol, discovered by Oxford researchers, reduced racist attitudes in 36 white Americans.

Sylvia Terbeck, lead author of the study said: "Our results offer new
evidence about the processes in the brain that shape implicit racial
bias. Given the key role that such implicit attitudes appear to play
in discrimination against other ethnic groups, and the widespread use
of propranolol for medical purposes, our findings are also of
considerable ethical interest."

This is quite the crazy thing if it actually works.

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  • Medically, this is just a bunch of bologna. Racism is a choice by people who think that they are better than everyone else, in my opinion I guess. Being a choice, no medicine can cure it. Would I love it to work? Yes! The reality of it is, it probably won't.

  • I find this really interesting! Taking drugs to reduce racist attitudes. Who would have thought?

  • I didn't know that racism could be cured with a medicine....I always thought that it was some sort of a mindset which wouldn't be able to be "changed".

  • I don't think it would work very well, or even if it works at all. I think people are just saying that to make it legal.

  • That's gotta be fake. You are racist by how you think usually leading back to how you were raised. It is porbably just given to people and they think they are "cured."

  • Even if it works, that's just one step away from mind control. I really doubt that it works though.

  • i think its dumb and wont work. its thgere choice to be raceist if they are they are dnt try to cure i mean it would make the world a better placve but it wont work

  • It only reduced racism in white people not everybody?

  • this wont work and the people who are racist are racist they wont change that because they the cant accept that they will like someone they dont like

  • Ya right..I don't think that it would work. you would have to force people to take it cause rasism is the way they have grown up.

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