Another Nut Problem

Robin Fitzpatrick was the mother of Cameron who suffered from a severe nut allergy, died last Friday after eating a cookie that had peanut oil and his friend had sworn it didn't.

They first found out that he had this allergy when he was 8 in a Chinese restaurant.he was projectile-vomiting "across the room". All he did was eat half of a cookie, one week ago. at 6:30 his mother said that he had said he couldn't breath and she could not find his Epi-Pen. They went to the hospital and at 9 pm he was declared dead. If you want to read more here is the link.

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  • That's awful! I would feel badl if I was his mom and couldn't find the epi-pen when he has such a serious allergy! I wish they could find something besides just an epi-pen to help people with serious allergies like these.

  • wow! thats very scary! i wonder how his mother and friend are doing. this is awful! poor thing didnt deserve to die from this. i hope his family is recovering okay and he will be in our prayers.

  • This is so horrible! I am sure that his mom feels super guilty for not being able to find his Epi-Pen! It is crazy how somebody could be so allergic to something!

  • This is terrible! i think he needs to be more careful of what he is eating so this does not happen again. I feel bad for the kid though and hope he is okay!

  • Oh my. That is absuletly horrible. That would stink. My little cousin has a Peanut Allergie. When i babysit him we always have to go threw this safety thing were they show me where they keep his shots in case he eats some. I think that it's so sad. I hope that his mom is okay now, after everything. I send her my prayers and condulences.

  • That is really sad. That would be terrible not to be able to find the epi-pin when he really needed it. I bet his friend feels really bad. sad story

  • This would be so scary as a mother!! I bet she feels terrible that she didn't know where the epi-pen was!! And hopefully his friend feels a little bad but not where he is gonna go kill himself. But this is really sad!!

  • Most people are very fortunate not to have deathly peanut allergies, things like this remind us how blessed we are.

  • If I were the friend, I would feel awful for pretty much killing my friend.  My sister has allergies, but to different stuff, and she has an Epi-Pen.  My mom has to keep one in her purse just in case she reacts to something.  Her allergies aren't very severe, but it's still scary to think something like this could happen.

  • Poor kid, he was so young when he died, this is so sad story...

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