In Baltimore, two brothers were accuused of beating a black teenager while patrolling an Orthodox Jewish neighberhood. They go on trial on Monday.
The brothers, claim it was self defence. Saying that the teenager was holding a nail-studded gun.
This is a lot like the Trayvon Martin case.
What are your thoughts?
This is dumb i think they are trying to make things up so they seem innocent. I bet it was just racial discrimination and they should get life in prison.
I think people are attacking others by their race and it is terrible!
This proves the power of suggestion. When something goes out on the news and gets publicity, there is always something else like it that goes on. This is just another stunt. I don't think though that the kids' actions were appropriate and they need to be punished.
Im sorry but this is just plain ridiculous. White people have excuses to attack black people and they arent even being harmed. They are no difference than us, so why hurt them? I think the brothers should get time for hurting this black teenager.
I think it is sad that there are so many cases like this going on lately. I don't understand why people are so prejudice and ridiculous.
another so called self defense case, this is getting out of hand, people need to stop being so dumb
they should of done that ans should get introuble i dont think it was for protection, i think it was just because he was black
This is terrible - I agree with Morgan that I think it has a lot to do with people being racist! It's bad in these cases because you never know who's telling the truth!
That is again worng! I dont believe the brothers. I think they were just discriminating against the Black boy for no reason. The bothers should be punished serverely. They didnt have the right to do that. And the boy probably have the gun to protect himself them people like the brothers.
thats crazy. i think it was because he was black because they did say to get out you dnt belong here or something like that i hope they go to jail