This extra credit opportunity is worth up to ten points. You will be required to attend(be sure to sign in) and then do a blog about what the speaker talked about and your reflections on it.
Presenter: Rosa Snyder
Funded from Humanities Iowa, a private non-profit state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Harlan Community Library
Phone: (712) 755-5934
Library Contact: Patricia Engemann, Children’s Librarian –
What: Glimpses of Iowa's Capitol: its history, art, architecture and restoration.
Presenter: Rosa Snyder
When: Saturday, October 9
Where: Harlan Community Library
Time: 10:00 AM
Sponsored by: Delta Kappa Gamma
Shelby County University Women
Harlan Literary Club
Harlan Community Library
Funded from Humanities Iowa, a private non-profit state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities