There was a box on the side of the road, a truck driver pulled over and thought it was a box of pigs. It turned to be a box of baby bears. The man took them to the fire house. It was supposed to be really cold and they could have died. 2 of the bears are at a Bear Rescue in Tennessee and the other bear is in a Historic Charlie’s town landing.
I think this a major sign that we do have great people and we all need to do the same as what this truck driver did. I am so thankful that these bears made it and didn't die in the cold weather. Too bad that the bears could all be together as a family, but at least they are all safe.
That's pretty cool that someone would just take bears in like that. im glad that they are safe and have a good home.
I am glad that the bears are in a safe place. Because they don't have their mother anymore, they need someone to take care of them. I don't understand why someone would do this to them though. Did they think that the bears would make good pets, or did they want to sell the bears? I hope whoever did this gets caught, because doing this is illegal and irresponsible.
Animals deserve care too! If you abuse animal it should be the same as child abuse
good thing they found those bears that woulda been terrible if they died!
This is awesome! That would be kind of scary if you found a couple bears on the side of the road though... I'm glad the bears are safe and in a healthy environment.
Who would do something like that! Good thing that guy picked them up and turned them in together so they wouldn't die out in the cold!
That is so mean to leave a box of baby bears on the side of the road. I am glad there are people out there that care about animals.
This is awful! Why would you leave a box of bears or any animal on the side of the road? The people that left them there had to do something to the mother to even get to the babies. I'm so glad that someone stopped to see what was in the box! I'm glad they're all safe.
I love animals so much. And I cannot believe that anyone can leave the animals outside of the road. that is so sad
This is kinda of depressing but happy. I'm glad somebody stopped to save them!! I also wish they could have stayed with there mom! But at least they got saved and didn't die.