Animal Cruelity

A man was charged after authorities found 60 dead cats and dogs in his backyard in a van. The smell was awful. I am not a huge fan of animals, but I believe that this is beyond cruel. No human or person deserves this kind of treatment. Why would you do something like this? I am glad that he is put away. In the article, it says that someone told their little family members to stay away from the yard. It would be scary to find a bunch of dead animals. What are your thoughts?

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  • My thoughts are that is sick. People that kill people get locked up for being phyco, i think that Animal Crulty is almost just as bad. 60 dead cats, and dogs? What kind of sick person would do that? I can see if it was like a pit-bull and was attaching you to do something about it, but 60 animals. That is insane. I am a animal lover, myself. If i had a pet, and someone killed it, i would hope someone made them suffer like they made my poor, innocent animal suffer.

  • I would of killed the dude f I caught him abusing animals. They should be treated respectfully and not be abused at all. I don't think people should abuse animals its like abusing people.

  • That is terrible. I also am not a huge animal lover but this is terribly cruel! I am so happy this man is in jail.

  • Oh my gosh! I bet that did smell bad! I love animals! I can't believe this! I hope that other people are nice to their animals and care for them just like humans!

  • usually serial killers start out with animal cruelty tendencies, but it seems like he was content mass killing pets. I wonder what he was planning with the animals or if he was going to just let them rot away in his van
  • This is just gross anybody who thinks that this is alright should be locked up with this guy.

  • That is super mean. This is just cruel, if he didn't like animals so much then why did he have them in the first place. I wouldn't want to be the neighbor who would have to smell the horrible smell.

  • I hate when people are mean to animals, i think its cruel becasue to me animals need to be treated like people.

  • I personally love my cats and dogs. If someone did this to my pets I would want them to be locked away forever.

  • This is absolutely terrible! i hope that man goes to jail and stays there. I cant believe he would even think to kill 60 cats/dogs. I bet that smell was absolutely terrible when they opened the van. I also bet the van was filled. This is terrible i love animals and i cant believe some people are so heartless and can kill them like its no big deal.

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