Angry Youtubers are complaining about the new commenting system. In order to add a comment to a Youtube video, you must sign into Google+. If you don't have a Google+ account, it will force you to make one. Not many people want to do this because it requires you to use your full name. A majority of Youtube users prefer to stay anonymous. A petition has been started on a site called You can find the petition here. It needs about 66 thousand more people to sign it before it passes. Even the co-founder made a video on it (the last video he posted was in 2005). 

Do you think Youtube should go back to it's original commenting system? Are you one of those people who prefer to be anonymous? Are you going to sign the petition?

Find the article here.

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  • Good job Maddie!

  • I think it should be changed because it could be another way for hackers to access your account and everything that's important to you in life. You can make a fake name and all which isn't very hard to do. The YouTube people can't really do anything about it though if people keep signing the petition.

  • I didn't like it because when I wanted to make a channel they made me sign up for Google+ the only two good thing that came out of that was email and a YouTube account
  • I think it should go back to the original. If it was me, I wouldn't want random people I don't know to know me. And it causes people extra unnecessary time.

  • I think YouTube should go back to it's old commenting system. Just because one person wants to change doesn't mean it needs to make millions of other people change, also not very many people have Google+. No I don't comment on YouTube I just listen to things. I don't really care about the commenting system so no I don't think i'm going to sign the petition.

  • I agree,people complain about everything

  • Why are they making them use a google+ account or make one to use the commenting system when they know people don't like to give out personal information.

  • I don't really comment on YouTube videos in the first place, but no doubt people would be furious over the change. I mean, it used to be that you only needed a YouTube account in order to comment, right? It's a bit unorthodox to make users have to sign up for Google+ accounts when they didn't have one and/or didn't want one in the first place. I think it would be in YouTube's best interest to just revert back to the old commenting system; people were a lot more pleased, and they could go back to fiddling with whatever is left of the site, since they seem to like doing that.

    • I also don't comment that much, but when I do, I really don't want to make an account. I plan on avoiding Google+. I agree that they should change it back so people stop whining.

  • I think it should because people can steal other people's identity. At this point in time i don't care if i'm anonymous because i'm only 14. I guess I will sing the petition for other people

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