
  • wow i think they should watch these people just a tad bit more and to bad the women had to do that now she is prolly going to go to jail for a long time
  • hmm.. thats terrible!!
  • who just whips out a knife and stabs someone?! especially in a public place. this person DESERVES to be in jail for forever.
  • Ironic that this happend in an anger management class?
  • Shouldn't they have like security in places like that?
  • isnt that class supposed to stop/prevent those thing from happening?
  • so much for anger management
  • hahaha i dont think that the anger managment will work for that fruit cake
  • First of all she has a very amazing name, and second umm i thought anger managment classes were supposed to help you?? maybe there should be one on one anger management classes?? no students killed(:
  • jeez ha she needs a couple more anger management classes
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