Scientists find fruit seeds stored in a Squirrel nest for 30,000 in Siberian permafrost and were able to regenerate into a full flowering plant. They also discovered a giant virus named Mollivirus sibericum has also been revived and tested on some amoebas it could be potentiality dangerous because it took only a small amount of viruses to infect the amoebas. Which means it can take only a few particles to cause pandemic. With the climate change we could possibly release more and more things which were frozen from the distant past.

Do you think we should bring back things we find frozen from the past?

Do you think we could benefit from bringing these living back from the ice?

Do you think more things could get released from the past? 

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  • Try to ask questions that are not yes and no as it leads to better discussion. Also, be sure to reply to student comments as it is worth ten points per story. You also only did one story.

  • i think that it would be really cool to do that and see what happens and I think so because you could learn things that have happen over time when it was frozen. I think in the future it will happen and people will start freezing things and they will come back to life or something if they find a way.

  • I think it would be cool to bring back things from the past, but i also think that there is a reason that the plant is no longer living. It depends on what we could use the plant for, and yes i do think we could use this with more things. 

  • I think that messy with these kind of viruses is very dangerous and would not befit anyone either way. I think that the scientists need to leave the virus and all things alone from that era of time. If scientists were able to bring things back to life from that era, I don't think they realize how dangerous that could be for other people. Who knows, maybe this virus could be fatal to humans and could start a big mess like Ebola. 

  • I think it could be dangerous, but I also think some things could be cool to bring back, and we could find some use out of them. 

  • They should of left the nest in the ice. They should not awake the disease cause it could be worse than the Bubonic Plague. They also should definitely not awake animals or plants from the past because you know what they say, "The past is the past." You should just leave things in the past were they belong.

  • I think we should bring back things that are frozen from the past because it's part of our world, and part of our science. We could benefit from these because they might cure a deadly disease, such as cancer. I definitely think more things could be released from the past, although it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

  • The frozen virus should be slowly introduced to our immune systems because if this virus was in the past, there is a great chance that it will come back. If it does come back, and our immune systems have never seen it, we have a much greater chance of dying. So this virus could either save us now, or destroy us in the future.

  • I think we should bring back this frozen virus, especially because it is so dangerous and we don't know how it affects us and our life now. It could cause a big epidemic and cause many animals to die. 

  • I don't think it would be best to bring things back from the past. We probably would benefit from them, but we wouldn't want another nation-wide spread of a disease. Yes, I do think more things could get released from the past.

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