Here is a link to a story about how an ancient human skull was found in the country of Georgia. It is very rare to find a human skull that is not broken at all, but even more rare to find a skull like this one. The skull is about 1.8 million years old! Stone tools and other things were found at this site as well. This is most complete skull ever found of that age. This is controversial because they have also found this type of skull in other parts of the world, and it is making them second guess what happened in these areas. They think that evolution may have occurred differently than they thought. I just find this very interesting that they found a human skull so old. It is very cool. What are you thoughts on this story?
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Well done Ethan!
I think it's very interesting and probably important to the science of evolution if the skull races questions. But science is every changing so that's good.
That is awesome! Think about it, this could change history altogether. Just this one skull! It's amazing that one little piece of history could change it all.
its kinda neat but i mean its gonna raise a lot more questions about evolution and how we became the species we are today. but i mean science discovery guys...thats kinda neat(:
This is pretty neat, I can't believe they found a skull from 1.8 million years ago. I'm glad that they are starting to find evidence of our past.
I agree, and I hope that they find out some new things that they didn't know before.
I think that this is a very cool story about how something can maintain good condition for over 1 million years. It's also cool because we may have more evidence to what really happened during the evolution. But overall this is a very interesting topic.
That's what I thought too. Its very impressive that a skull could be this old and this well preserved.
At first i didn't think it was that cool but then i read that it was 1.8 million years old and it wasn't even broken. That is really rare!
thats really cool. its not very often we find things like these that bring up closer to our past. let alone a human skull that isnt damaged.