When I read this article i was stunned that this man was actually being charged for 5 counts of hate crimes. What is the crime that he committed, you may ask? Cutting off peoples hair and beards! Because hair and beards are not to be cut in Amish communities for religious reasons, his actions are being seen as a hate crime. Do you think this is right?
I personally think that is sad. Amish religns are very much diffrent than any others that are around. I think that we should all be entitled to our own oppions on things&so i don't think that is very fair. I would be so mad if they cut off my hair!
well yes if it was part of their religion, it would make me mad if someone said i couldn't do something that supports my religion, and really mad if They cut off my hair!!!
Amish communities are very different then other communities. they follow their own rules. it really depends if Amish law is legally legitament. also he must have been trying to commit a hate crime. why else would you cut off someone's beard?