A women called 911 for "about a terrorist" The father of the house hold opened the door and a man grabbed him by the beard and pulled him out of the house. The "terrorist" cut off the beard. This was one of 5 beard cutting attacks. the man was attacked by 5 men. He got away before they could cut it all off. Beard cutting was used as a way of punishing people as if they might have insulted them. The police think that Sam Mullet and his 3 sons did the attacks. Sam doesn't think that he or his boys had anything to do with it. He thinks that since they called the police they people were asking for a punishment now.

I hope that they find the people that did this. I still don't understand why anyone would want to do cut someone else s beard off, but its an Amish tradition. If Sam did do this, 15 years would do him good time. What's your thoughts?


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  • this is odd why would you want to cut off a beard?

  • That's cruel and unusual! cutting off people's beards against their wills is horrible, but is that assault? I want to know what law this violates exactly. All the same who ever did this deserves jail time and a really bad haircut.

  • This is a weird punishment! I guess it could have been a lot worse. At least they didn't kill them for punishment or something worse like that.

  • Amish love their beards, so I think this more of a hate crime

  • this is so weird... really though why would you do that, i think it seems pretty offensive and rude!

  • I honestly dont know why this is such a big deal? 15 years for cutting five beards off. I think ive solved the case it was the local barber and he was so fed up about there beards and he needed some money so he decided to gather up his barber friends and they went around cutting beards for free!

  • Okay, I don't know why someone would cut off someones beard, that's just not right, I mean really? But 15 years? Woah. That's extreme. I wouldn't want to be that kid.

  • I don't understand how cutting off someone's beard is a big punishment, but I guess I would have to be Amish to understand. I don't think that Sam should get 15 years in jail for cutting off a few people's beards though. I think that 15 years is a little extreme, but I see how it would be really scary for the victims.

  • Why in the world would you cut off someone else beard. Like what is this man or these men doing with all this beard hair. And like Olivia said if they are really doing this they should have to like 100,000 hrs or community service and like 7 years in jail. 15 is a little much even though theses guys cut off peoples beards. This could almost be abuse, and then you would be in jail for a while.

  • all i can say is um okay...1. cutting peoples beards off is kinda weird. But i guess im not Amish so I wouldnt understand. I agree with Olivia that its not right to cut off peoples beards, but 15 years is definitely alot just for that.

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