Igor Vovkivinskiy  is the tallest man in the US at 7 ft 8 in. In the past he's had 16 foot surgerys due to not being able to find shoes that fit him properly. He put out an add on FB asking for donations to be able to buy a pair of shoes that fit. He says he doesn't even know what his shoe size is because he hasn't been able to shoes that fit since he was a teenager. Reebok owners called Vovkivinskiy asking if they could fly him out and make a custom pair of shoes for him then!


Image: Igor Vovkovinskiy with cheerleaders



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  • That is crazy! that would kinda suck though. I wouldn't want to be that tall

  • This is insane, i cant imagine being that tall and going without shoes just to find shoes that will fit me. i would hate being that tall, i like being an average height

  • He is a tall guy! Wow! That's sad that he hasn't had a pair of shoes since he was a teenager :( but it is good that he has some now :)

  • Good for him. I feel sorry for him that he hasn't know what shoe size.

  • Holy cow! He is so tall, especially compared to all those tiny girls! That would suck not being able to find a pair of shoes that fit you properly when you think about how we pratically rely on shoes everyday! I'm happy for him though :)

  • Haha I love his shirt in this picure. "worlds largest Obama supporter"

  • that guy its really big!! he is huge!! but this is kinda sad .. that he cant find a pair of shoes for his size

  • that would suck to go through all of those surgeries. I don't think that i could go through that much pain but then again he probably feels better after all of those surgeries

  • That's really nice of Reebok to do that for him! I'm sure that made him feel really good inside to know that he finally has a good pair of shoes just for him. That was very generous. :)

  • that dude is talk and reebok was nice enough to make the custom shoes. and i thought i had big feet

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