American Soldier

American Soldier

By: Angel Knowles


When I look into his eyes,

I see the pain of loved ones lost

And the determination to fight at all cost.

I see the fear of loosing for our sake.

And the love for his country.

I see the knowing of a father.

The fear of a child.

The decency of a man.

The faith of a soldier.

I see the teammate willing to die for his own.

I see that he has a home.

He is an American soldier.

There is a sense of pride when he talks.

And self confidence when he walks.

He knows that there is no one answer

To end the worlds pain.

And he knows that many more will die…in Americas name.

He knows the feeling of despair.

And that death looms in the air.

He understands the look in our eyes.

At times he often breaks down and cries.

He has seen children lost.

And hes seen mothers wander aimlessly screaming out names.

He knows what its like to go hungry.

And to be abused.

 He feels our pain.

And he fights in our name..

He is an American soldier.


this is a poem i wrote a while ago because i know that not everyone respects soldiers and what they do.  Julies post reminded me of this and i wanted to pay respect to those soldiers who fight in our name.

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