Alternative Nursing Home

This nursing home, 30 miles from Manhattan, is very different than most. This one has a farm, pottery and candle shops, a 'weavery' and a wood shop. The residents are invited to help at these places. Children are welcomed to help at the farm and shops and keep the residents company! The home is even self- sustaining, including solar panels and compost from their cows. One resident even said it is the perfect place to die.

I think this place is amazing! traditional nursing homes can be so depressing, it makes me glad to think these people can leave our world in such a happy place.

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  • thats great that they have tons of stuff for the people to do and they wont be bored, theyll kinda feel at home at this place. i like how they will havve lots of visitors as well

  • That sounds like a very good nursing home. Most people at nursing homes are depressed because its so boring there but these people sound like they get to die happy adn doing what they love. I am glad peopole can go out of this world happy and not sad and depressed.

  • I like this compared to what they usually are. They just don't feel like a home. This would probably make you feel more like you still have a life.

  • I really like the idea of this. This is how a nursing home should be. I'm not saying anything bad about other ones but i dont like the way some of them treat the residents.

  • I would totally go here when im old!! Being on a farm yet at that age would make my days and i wouldn't feel depressed like many do in an ordinary home. This place would most likely feel like home and i would be able to live here. I hope they get some of these homes around here for the elderly!!

  • I LOVE THIS! I want to die here! It sounds lovely! I really wish they had one in Iowa for our old people because Elm Crest is not that fancy... sorry! Just saying!

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