There is one study going out saying that if schools started classes later it would save money. Most school in the US start no later than 8:30. According to this study only 18 percent of school start classes at 8:30 or later. The body of middle school aged students and above are used to going to bed late, and then in return getting up late. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that student of middle school age and above get at least 8 1/2 hours of sleep. One study has shown that lack of sleep can cause poor health, bad academic performances, and even criminal activity. One of the authors of this study says that this later start time would make money in as little as two years. Most of the money coming from better academic scores, and less car crashes. Teenagers tend to be very tired in the morning which means they are more likely to get into a car accident. This study says by starting classes later teens will not have as many car accidents. The only issue found with this study was that schools would have to hire more buses with more bus drivers. Some schools would also have to install lights for sport fields because of practice being later in the day.

Find the full story here.

Questions: Would you like this rule applied to out school? Why or Why not?

Would later practice times be beneficial or not beneficial for peoples schedules?

My Answers:

I think that the rule would be great for our school. There are lots of people who are tardy to school just because they don't have time in the morning.

I think that later practice schedules would be better because when you practice right after school parents can't always come get you right away. You have to sit and wait for someone to come and get you

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  • Great job Dalton! Good topic!

  • Well, for sleep reasons, yes. But sports would run much later and granted having more sleep and being able to go to bed later for that could compensate but it seems that it could have some negative affects. 

  • I wouldn't like it because that means that we would have to go later and I like to get out of school and go do my own thing after school. The later practices would not be beneficial because church night is on Wednesday and that would get in the way,

  • I would love for this rule to be applied to our school. I personally get to school every morning at 7 am and usually don't get home until 9:30 pm or later. I always end up staying up late due to homework. I think that if this rule applied to our school, busy students would get more rest and be more attentive in class. The only downside would be that practices that are already later in the evening would be even later. Although it would be great for people in sports, it would not be as great for those involved in music.

  • I think starting school at a later time would be beneficial to most teachers and students. The later practice schedules could be a problem because the players wouldn't get very much time to do their homework at night.

  • I think it would be a good thought. I don't think that the bus drivers and the lights would be that big of a deal. I would like to see what would happen if we started school at 9:05 a.m. I also think it could be a problem because then you get home later, and then stay up late. I think everyone would adapt to it. Eventually you will decide which one you like more.

    • I agree I think that trying this for a month, or certain period of time, would be a good thought. People get home late how it is so it wouldn't be that big of a change.

  • 1. Yes because this would be beneficial to our community 

    2. I feel like we should do early and late practice time for the kids who are busier and more involved

  • I'm not sure because yes, you do get to sleep later and school wouldn't start until later, but then you have to deal with going to work at a later time and then getting off of work later than you usually would. I don't think they would be very beneficial because then students won't get home until later and could miss out on certain things 

    • My opinion was like yours. I think that kids who work after school would have to reschedule, and I do agree that kids would get home later. They may get home later but they still will have time to sleep.

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