All To Impress A Woman?

A couple was on a date, and were walking though a parking lot when a man dressed in all black came out and told the man to leave, but the woman to stay. She ran off to get help While he said he fought the man in black, with a knife. Come to find out, the man confessed the guy with the knife was his friend. He staged the whole thing to impress his date.

Wow, this guy is stupid. Totally wrong way to go about impressing a woman.

Read the story here.

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  • I think this is a little weird! And if i was her I would be mad! Cause it would scare me to death! But after wards i think i could laugh at it!

  • This is crazy and very scary! I cant believe he would actually stage something like this... If someone did this to me i would not be going on a second date with that person! He took that way to far..thats not impressive at all.

  • I wouldn't say thats impressing anything that is acting like a child! I would dump the guy right away!

  • Giving your lady a scar for life isn't a way to win her heart. It is a good way to make her never want to see you again though,

  • Well I'm not sure how the violence is impressive it's scary as anything! I think it's sweet he tried to impress her, if he went to all those lengths to hire someone why I don't know try being a gentlemen and impressing her? Knight in shining armor? It's in all the children's books. Jeez.

  • Oh wow!!! This is kind of ridiculous!!!! If i was this girl i would be mad at this guy!! I hope that nobody called him in or anything...

  • This is so stupid. If I were the girl on the date I would not be impressed. He made himself look pretty stupid and kind of cocky- but then again not really because it was his friend. Plus if I was the girl I'd be mad for scaring the crap out of me.

  • haha wow that is a little over top. i dont think you should go that far. She must not really like him that much if he has to do this. but that is very funny though. funny joke

  • I personally think this is hilarious.  This probably wasn't the smartest thing to do since he probably got the cops called on his best friend and what if something would have happened.  What if the woman on the date pulled out a gun from her purse and shot him.  That would defiantly be a problem.  This is cute that he would do this all for some girl, but I bet he has other great qualities.

  • I don't think there was a second date.

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