
  • The separation of church and state has expanded into the schools so that (most) schools should remain indifferent when dealing with religious terms.

    That being said, homosexuality would not even be an issue if religion never made any mention of it. So saying that the shirt is inappropriate is going against the indifference of religious ideals in public schools.

  • I am against it, but i wouldnt say its a bad thing to wear, because its not like its a bad picture or naughty words on the tshirt.

  • i think they should be allowed to wear them because if they wanna, then let wear it. its their choice...

  • Well in a way it is freedom of speech but I think it might send th wrong message. I'm not quite sure where I stand.

  • i got nothing against lesbians but i dont think they should not be able to wear this because i dont see how its hurting anyone

  • I don't see what's wrong with the shirt. 1. It doesn't say anything offensive. 2. It doesn't break the school dress code. 
  • I want one of those shirt and i would wear it if they tried makin me turn it inside out i dont think i would give up that easy


  • As much as I don't agree with it, I don't really think it should be banned in the school. I guess I don't know the rules in the handbook about that but since it doesn't have bad language on it then it can't really be banned. If there is something about "offensive material" then yeah, it should probably be banned from school, though! 

  • i think that it shows your origionality... anyone should be aloud to wear something that they feel expresses them in ways they cant otherwise.. unless its about things like drugs or something offensive... then i think its kinda taking advantage of that. but otherwise,  think that they  should definately wear them. :) let people be themselves, otherwise its kinda like a holocaust all over again. you dont like people or what they are doing so you try to eliminate their chances of doing what it is they want to do to express themselves. its also kinda like trying to tell someone who they are and who they cant be.. just give up trying to make everyone the same. its not going to work!

  • I don't think they should be able to wear that.. That's a little weird. I mean nothing against lesbians but most people would find that a little weird.

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