Alien Invaders

There is growing problem in the UK, the invasion by aliens, alien plant and animal species that is.  There are several types of foreign plant life and animal life that change the ecosystem, harm the animals and their habitats, and even cause human health complications.  Not only that but they are reportedly costing the UK over 2 billion euros a year just managing the problem, and the uk isn't the only one.  These problems happen in every country, like the starlings in America, and the New species of mesquito in Africa.  Link.

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  • Well interesting. I wonder what the countries are going to do. Spend money each year to control them or let them grow. What ever happens is going to be bad or good in every persons mind. If they are harming people then something needs to happen.
  • So basically it's an invasion of wildlife? Like, just moving to a new country or something? Ha, I think it's funny that people thought you were talking about UFO aliens.. Simple minds.. :)
  • Ok once and for all these are not aliens as in extratrerrestrial beings, they are like illegal aliens, people or things that dont belong in the country or continent.
  • I also don't think it's aliens, i just think it's plants, and animals evolving. I'd need some solid proof to believe that it was aliens.
  • how did they start showing up? like did someone mix breed or something cause that is just really interesting
  • thats great to hear. good for you europe
  • hmm...thats weird lol, its hard to think that something small can cause big problems
  • UGH Shannon! I wanted to hear about little green slimy men from Mars!! ... and Africa and bloody well have all the stupid mespuitos.
  • First off it's not aliens it's just some new thing starting to grow that scientist are now just discovering
    • They are not actually aliens from outer space they are just alien to that particular region! They are just now moving there so the ecosystem is not responding well. She does not mean green Martian men.
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