A very large super-cell of small and maybe one big tornado touched down in northern Alabama this morning, the damage covered a 4 to 5 smile area in morthern Madison county, Paige Colburn and even in Huntsville-Madison county. It damaged high schools, houses, left many people injured and wihout power. A training building at a local prision was destoryed, two dorms and two other buildings suffered roof damage. They are setting up a temporary shelter.  

Are you scared? The tornados aren't that far away from us, I wanna know why we are having weather like this in March????
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  • I'm just glad that we haven't been hit by any of the storms. But I feel bad for all of the loses people have had.

  • That's terrible! That must be really hard to have multiple tornadoes come and rip apart everything that you try and save after the last one comes tearing through. I can't even imagine the hardship <:(

  • the  weathers been messed up all year long if you think of it. im sure thats why we are having weather like this.

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