This marriage bill forces couples to take counseling before getting married. Doing this, Alabama hopes to decrease the number of early marriages. Also, it makes divorce harder to file for. The link talks more on the official steps they have to take.
You cannot tell a couple that they cannot divorce. If a marriage is not working out, let it end. I understand that they want to decrease numbers of early marriages and that's fine because that would help decrease divorce as well. But denying a couple of divorce is not healthy for the people.
What do you think?
i think counciling is kinda silly if a couple is happy and doesn't need it
I dont think that they should have this bill. Its just telling people that they can't get married if they are young. If people want to get divorced they should be able to and not told they can't.
I don't think they should tell people that they can't get divorced, but taking counseling before getting married would be a good idea because it would decrease the divorce rate. Marriage is a large responsibility and this will help people from getting married to soon before they are ready for the responsibility.
This is kinda good but also can be bad! If people werent meant to be together they shouldnt be together so they shouldnt make them be together. But taking counseling before they should know if they are right for each other.
I think that this is something with good intentions. I think it is a good idea, but i have no idea how other people would react to it. It is a good idea, but i don't know if it is going to be very effective.
Why does the government want to involve their efforts in this?
Just let the couples do what they want, their problems will eventually solve themselves. The state government shouldn't care about this whatsoever.
I don't think that they should be able to tell them they have to go to consueling. If they actually want to go that's fine but you can't make them. And making them do it doesn't do good because some people will resent it. Also making divorce more difficult isn't fair if the marriage doesn't work.
There are so many good things that could happen with this and there are so many bad things that could happen! They do the counseling and they find out they are not meant to be together they wasted alot of time and money to go through that process. They go through the counseling and find out they want to be together but then have kids and they start fighting and then the kids go through a divorce! Ive been through 2 divorces and it is not good it puts alot of stress on the kids!!
I think it's a good idea! Sometimes people go into a marriage not knowing much about their spouse.. counseling could help them determine if they really want to go through with the marriage or if they're ready for it. Also, divorce rates are really high so I'm sure it would help with that, like you said!
I dont think it is righ to force couples to take a class to be able to get married. You cant decide whether or not a couple is ready to be married. I think this will just make more young couples to move or get married in a different state.