We all know Al Qaeda because of the terrorist attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001, but they have many more not as major attacks as on 9/11. Some of these attacks include the London Transport bombing, Casablanca bombing, and the car bombing in the parking garage in the World Trade Center. 9/11 caused the most destruction of all Al Qaeda's attacks and killed almost 3,000 people. Do you guys think an attack this serious could happen in the US again, or do you think that our increased security since 9/11 will prevent this from happening ever again? Read the link below to get some background info on Al Qaeda.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qaeda
I think that security has improved, but there is still a chance that something like 9/11 could happen again. I dont think it will happen because of taking out Osama Bin Laden and stronger security.
I think since are Security has gotten better on planes that it would be a lot harder for them to do it but I guess anything is a possibility.
It would be very hard for that to happen on a plane because we have more security on planes. They made the doors to the cockpit tougher, and there is also almost always an Air Marshall on the plane.
What do you think they would be able to do better if they still can somehow bypass the security.
A terrorist attack on the US from Al Qaeda is still likely, though not on the scale of the 9/11. With increased security it would be much harder to execute a serious terrorist attack that could kill thousands like 9/11. I think the government is doing a good enough job to prevent another "9/11" but a smaller attack is still possible.
I don't think they will pull off an attack with as many deaths as 9/11 ever again.
Even though Osama Bin Laden was taken out there is always another man coming forward to take charge. It all depends on who the man is in charge. There could be another big attack like 9/11 but with our security I don't think it's very likely. We just always need to keep our eyes open for another attack.
With our increased security since 9/11 it would be very hard to hijack a plane now. It would have to be a terrorist coming over, and then making a homemade bomb while in the country. It would be very hard to get in the country with a bomb.
I do think it can happen seeing that it doesn't seem that hard to get in the country. The places we should be close to watch is like the Superbowl or any bigger events like that. The problem is is that you cant tell who they are it could be the average person you see walking around on the street. So their will be another one, but hopefully we will figure out a way to stop it before it does.
Yea, they would have to attack heavily populated areas because Al Qaeda's goal is to kill as many American's as they can.