A man on his way from Iceland to New York was restrained by duct tape. He was said to have a full bottle of alcohol before he boarded the plane. Passengers on the flight took matter into their own hand, taping the intoxicated man to his seat. He was hitting, screaming, and spitting on passengers. After taped, he was monitored by the crew. No charges were charged on the man.
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How was he allowed on the plane when he was drunk? It's good the other passengers bound him, he could've hurt somebody!
i understand why they did what they did to him, but they kinda took it a little far. They could of just moved his flight to a later time so that he was more reasonable. i think he should of probably been charged for public intox but just be glad he wasnt driving.
I find this kindof funny, and think he deserved it. I would have not liked it if my plane ride was disturbed by a crazy drunk man.
Its a good thing that they restrained this man. Who knows what could have happened if the man got way out of control.
I think this is kind of stupid. Who would duct tape a man to his seat in an airplane when he has been drinking. The ticket takers before he got onto the plane could have said that he couldn't get on the plane because he was drinking to much. There many other better ways to handle a situation like this, and this isn't one of them!
Well i guess you do what you gotta do! I think it was perfectly fine to tape the man to his seat because he was acting out so violently. It was necessary for the safety of all other passengers if you ask me.
the charges should be pressed on the airline. they have the right to refuse to let him fly.. i kinda want to know what the heck they were thinking..
Wow! thats weird! how was he even allowed on the plane? i think that should be against some laws or rules or something! the passengers were just lookin out for themselves and other passengers! that's really crazy.
I think they had to do what they had to do. When you're in the air you can't just kick him off of the plane, but you have to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone or cause any problems with the pilot or crew.
I think it was wrong to tape him to the chair, but if hes intoxicated and doing all that stuff i dont think they should have let him on anyway.