Companies are spending over $50 billion dollars on artificial intelligence for a small outcome. AI's have taken over driving even like Uber/Uber-Eats these companies aren't even seeing much of a profit. The promise of a return profit from AI's are 5% higher. Some problems with companies moving into the more modern world is that with the price of and AI is so high and the return profit doesn't really get higher some companies are still sketchy into buying them.
I think companies shouldn't invest in AI's because then the man/women working field will get lower and people will start running out of jobs. Even 29% of consumers agree that they're underacheivers. But 61% of consumers believe that AI's will be cruical to the future success of the world.
The biggest world problem for the AI industry is the need to reconcile AI's need for large amounts of structured or standardized data with a human right to privacy.
Do you think companies should start doing AI's?
What do you think about AI's?
I agree where will all the jobs be for the people to pay bills or even survive. There might be new jobs but how long does a person have before an AI takes that job too.
I think that Al is a bad thing for companies to invest in becaus it can cause a lot of job losses. I think that the buisnesses will make more money and only spend on their repairs for the machines but for people who need jobs or had that job it will become harder to find other jobs if they do the same.
I think that AI is going to become bigger in the future and its influence will grow as well. I don't necessarily think that there won't be any jobs for people anymore. I rather think that there will be new job opportunities we cannot think about yet.
AI's can become bigger in the future and maybe when they perfect every problem with the AI's then maybe the return profit could go up from 5%. There will be new jobs in the future and I hope that AI could be better after their imperfections. But as population increases we have to focus on not overpopulating the world and not having enough jobs avalible for people.
I think it depends it can benefit for many reasons. I know that Elon musk is starting his own and he has said they should be sold for 200,00$ in the next 2 years for stuff like household objects and small chores. It's funny becuase he has to include a kill switch in the open uncovered incase it goes rouge
AI's could be used for good and could help for many different things. Like Elon Musk is doing right now he's putting a kill switch on them because they could go rogue. So Elon Musk even admits that he cannot fully control a AI if he has too put a kill switch on his products.
In my opinion, I believe that companies should stop investing in AI's. I believe this because although it is a great financial decision for the company, it can cause job loss. I feel this way because from a companies viewpoint, they won't need to pay salaries to machines, and they only need to pay for maintanence cost/cost of electricity. From a worker's perspective, this can mean your livelihood is destroyed because you would lose your job.
I agree they spend so much money for not a bigger return profit. So much of that money goes to making the AI's but the companies making them don't tell the consumer about maintenance price.