Companies are spending over $50 billion dollars on artificial intelligence for a small outcome. AI's have taken over driving even like Uber/Uber-Eats these companies aren't even seeing much of a profit. The promise of a return profit from AI's are 5% higher. Some problems with companies moving into the more modern world is that with the price of and AI is so high and the return profit doesn't really get higher some companies are still sketchy into buying them.
I think companies shouldn't invest in AI's because then the man/women working field will get lower and people will start running out of jobs. Even 29% of consumers agree that they're underacheivers. But 61% of consumers believe that AI's will be cruical to the future success of the world.
The biggest world problem for the AI industry is the need to reconcile AI's need for large amounts of structured or standardized data with a human right to privacy.
Do you think companies should start doing AI's?
What do you think about AI's?
I do not think so because than it would run a lot of people out of jobs and that would be horrible. I do not trust an AI over a human no matter how advanced it is. I do not think there as smart as people say. we created them giving them the knowlege they hold which means there was someone smart enough to create that.
Good job overall Daniel! Your summary could be a bit longer.
I think that compaines should start doing A'l'S because it would be benifical to the work felid. Commpaines moving to modern world is the price is so high and that the return profit is still sketchy into buying them.
I think that it would be helpful in certin jobs but in jobs working with older people, sick people, and taking care of any person should not be a job for AI.
In my opion i think that companies should stop trying to go to AI's for the reasons like they are taking money away from their business. Also i think that they are taking away from the human population for the work invirorment and putting others in destress for finding a job.
I agree completely. AI's are doing exactly what a human is doing but designing a AI takes a long time and making sure they have no defaults takes even longer. Mistakes happen with AI's so much but they are efficient at what they do when they're done.
Doing things with AI is a very dangerous thing since they can mimic human thoughts and hold conversation with other AI's. AI's could become a threat if not handled extremely well. I don't think company should start doing stuff with AI's not only because the danger but because they can lose millions of dollars.
Personally, I think that companies should keep developing AI. These mechanics are the future, and everything that we can do to help develop these machines would be great to aid many people in the future. Many say that AI is the way of the future and that maybe one day there will be robots working everywhere, this may be true but I think that it is more important to continue working on these robots.
AI's may be the future but if the world population goes up and the avalibility of jobs goes down due to AI's how's the world going to keep working on AI's. Even the engineers might lose their jobs to AI's
In my opinion, I personally believe that companies should stop investing in AI's. this your livelihood to be destroyed because you would lose your job and the income you need to pay for all of your bills and food needed. There might be new job opportunities that we just do not know of yet.