Today around noon a bomb threat note was found in one of the bathrooms at AHST. They evacuated the high school and elementary buildings. No bombs were found and classes were resumed at 1:30. An investigation is going to take place.
I think that this is crazy because it's not that far from Harlan, and i hope that it's a fake bomb threat.
What do you think about it?
I heard about this on Facebook the other day, and I couldn't believe that it happened. I agree with you that it's very scary that a school really close to ours had bomb threats. I hope that there aren't ever any bomb threats in Harlan.
uhm kinda scary cuz one of my friends goes to avoca!! so when i heard about this i was flippin out!!
I hope that the bomb threat was fake. That is scary since AHST is not that far from Harlan. I am sure that students at AHST were very scared. I am glad that they are now arrested.
That is not very smart for someone to do that because they could get in a lot of trouble even if their was no bomb. They would probably be expelled and maybe even go to jail for endangering other peoples' lives.
If it was real the person that had laid the bomb wouldn't of put a note in the bathroom saying there was a bomb. It's kind of obvious if you think about it. Even though there is still a chance of there being on that note makes it seem like there is less of a chance of there being a bomb. If anything I would think it would some kids some cruel joke to get back at someone that made them upset.
That would have been terrible if it was real! If Harlan ever had that it would be so scary!!! I would hope nobody would do that here even if its just trying to get out of school.
I agree! It is really crazy considering that Avoca is so close to here! I really hope that it was a fake bomb threat, that would NOT be good.
There was a lot of rumors about the threat but from what I understood, they actually did find 4 bombs in the building. It was also on the "aniversary" of Osama bin Laden's death and some of the teachers think it could have been some of their muslim students because of that. I don't really know much about it but things like this should be taken seriously and not as a joke. It is scary that they are so close to Harlan though.
Thats crazy! I saw that on facebook and on twitter about the bomb threat yesterday, but im glad the bomb never went off. Some people are crazy for bringing a bomb to school! I just hope that was a stupid prank
I have a feeling it was fake and I hope so. It doesn't really seem like something in small town Iowa that would happen. I'd be super duper scared though.