Reasercers (or somebody) did find that thirty percent of the population does sneeze when they walk or look into bright light, and this condition is called photic sneezing. Here's the link. There is also a video on this page that tells you the proper way to sneeze... but it didn't really interest me, I just thought it was funny that there was a proper way:P


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  • It is very intersting that the sun actually causes people to sneeze. I don't think their is a proper way to sneeze.
  • Ha, i never heard of that before!
  • haha a propper wayy to sneeze? and ha yeahh, i do sneeze sometimes when that happens...
  • thats weird ive never tried to sneeze when i look at a bright light.
  • It happens to me all the time, i believe it.
  • I do that all the time
  • im going to have to try looking into a bright light and see if im a sneezer
  • thats a bit ridonculous
  • I have to say that has never happened to me.
  • wow, who had the time to research this. i sometime sneeze when i look at a bright light. not all the time though. like on really sunny days in the summer i sneeze when i go outside but thats about it..
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