Adidas released a new shoe thats half cowboy boot and half tennis shoe. Their made for country people who want to wear boots while playing basketball or working out. The new shoe starts at $300. The designer of the shoe is Jeremy Scott.
Would you wear these?
I think these are pretty ugly! The only time I would wear them would be to go mudding on our fourwheelers, but besides that no. ha
I would NOT wear those, they look ridiculous. And even if they were decent, I wouldn't blow 300 bucks and a pair of shoes.
im not sure if this is a genius idea, or the dumbest i have ever seen... it kinda just looks wierd but in another way it looks funny and cool. either way im not buying them for $300.
i think that they actually kinda look cool! :) i dont think i would ever wear them though! they are just not my style! but hey, whoever made them, i give them props! they got some creative aspirations apparently! but i think that they are cool. although they might hurt to wear them around? i guess ill just have to try them out before i diss them!
id wear those. pretty sweet. haha.
I dont understand the need for these. They are very strange looking. I would not get these. This is a neat artical to read.
These shoes are so ugly. I would never wear these. I especially would not pay $300 for these shoes. They don't even look comfortable to wear while playing sports.
Those would not sell. Cowboy boots and tennis shoes do not mix well. This boot/shoe proves that point!
Those are probably the ugliest shoes I've ever seen.
I couldn't see anyone buying these. They look weird and wouldnt sell at all.