After being cut off at the Brit Awards, Adele flipped the bird, She didn't have enough to time to finish her acceptance speech. What are your thoughts? Should she have done this?
I think just because she's a good singer doesn't mean she can act like a child about things. Really? Wait until you're off stage to express your anger, not on stage in front of a bunch of people.
I don't think she should have done that in front of a bunch of pepole. Just becasue she's famous and is making a lot of money doesn't mean she should get anything she wants even if it's only a couple more seconds of talking at a dumb award show.
If she has a certain amount of time, then she has a certain amount of time. I like her music, but that doesn't mean that she should get more time for a speech, and that REALLY doesn't mean that she gets to flip the bird. Be an adult...come on.
I love Adele, but just becasue she is a really good singer and she thinks everybody loves her doesnt mean she can do that. She knows she only has so much time to give her speech, its not like she has never been on an award show before
Im not a fan of her but she is her own person. Not everyone is well behaved as we all think we are. Im sure if we were in that situation we would have been a little mad too.
I don't really like Adele . She shouldn't be doing that at an award show of all places.
I dont care for Adele that much so yeah
She knows she only had a set amount of time. Sure she might be a big shot now but that doesn't mean everyone loves her and she can do whatever she wants.