Lego has been accused of racism by Austria’s Turkish community. They say that it looks like Istanbul’s famous Hagia Sophia mosque as a model for a palace for Jabba the Hutt. They also say that Jabba is a “terrorist” and complained that “the whole scene smacks of racial prejudice and vulgar insinuations against Asians and Orientals as people with … criminal personalities.” They also said that they want an apology from Lego. I think this is has gone a bit too far because there are saying that they use Hagia Sophia mosque as a model but I don’t think Lego meant to make it look like that.
And also on Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Aisling McCarthy Brady could be charged with murder in last week’s death of Reham Sabir. She was hospitalized with head injuries on Jan. 14 – her first birthday. She died two days later. An upstairs neighbor told police that the day the infant was hospitalized that they here “extreme crying.” The woman said she knocked on the door between the gasps of the baby for 90 seconds. The knocks went unanswered and the baby continued to cry for 10 more minutes. The girl’s room had a bloody blanket and pillow in the crib and bload-stained baby wipes were discarded in a diaper pail. The baby was a victim of abusive head trauma.
The "Islamic community" seems to do this kind of thing sort of often. I think they're just looking for attention.
Well I'm not sure what to think about the Lego situation. As for the baby, I feel so bad! I don't get why someone would want to hurt such an innocent being. No one deserves such treatment. The fact that the room had bloody evidence is enough to make someone sick. Why? Hopefully they get to the bottom of this case!
Oh my goshh!!! Why would anybody do this to an innocent child!!! This little girl is soooo cute!!! I understand they are a pain some days but that gives you no reason to smash their head! Some people need to think before having kids and doing things like this!!
Good summaries but be sure to add personal thoughts for both stories.