Zuzu is a two year old German Shepherd mix who was being held at an Animal Control Shelter in Downey, California. Zuzu happened to escape her family’s backyard. When Zuzu hopped the fence, animal control had picked her up and brought her to Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control center. A couple of days after Zuzu had arrived at the shelter, her family had shown up. Zuzu was excited to see her family and go home with them, but her family hadn’t been there to reclaim her. Instead, they were there to adopt another dog. Zuzu’s family had apparently gotten tired of her because she was “crying and sad” all the time over the death of her father.
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What would you do if this were to happen in a town around you?
If this situation were to happen in a town around me, I would go adopt the dog because it deserves a family who will love it unconditionally.
How would you react if someone you knew did this?
If someone I knew did this to their dog, I would be furious and would go adopt the dog to show them that the dog just needed to be loved and be played with.
Well done Maci!
I think i would probably adopt the dog because their is no reason that you should abandon your dog. I would brobably beat them up and get them to take their dog back.
I would defeinetely feel bad for the dog if it happened in a town around me. I don't know if I would necesarily go and adopt the dog myself because I already have a dog at home and I can't afford to feed another one.
I would also feel bad for the dog if it happened in a town around me. And if I wasn't able to afford another dog, I would probably at least try to help raise awareness and help it get adopted by someone who will love it.
This is a very sad story and I think Zuzu should be adopted by a different family that will want her and love her all of the time. I would be shocked if I knew anyone who would do this because it would be such a sad thing to adopt another pet right in front of your old one. It would honestly bother me a lot and I wouldn't be comfortable knowing the dog was still at the shelter.
I agree with you, I think I read a follow up article bout Zuzu being adopted by an older couple who wanted another dog. The couple also has another dog so not only will Zuzu be loved by her owners, but also by her new dog friend. I also would not be comfortable knowing that the dog I used to love and care for was sitting in an animal shelter while I'm looking for a new dog in the SAME animal shelter. This disturbs me and I don't understand how anyone could do this.
I would go to the Animal Control Shelter and adopt ZuZu, so she feels loved. If she was excited to see her family when they walked in, she really did love them, she was just hurting by the loss of her dad. I would be very angry if one of my freinds did this because I love dogs and I always want to make sure dogs are being treated like they should.
I agree with you completely, Zuzu definitely loved her family, and I think she deserves someone who will love her much more than her previous owners. She was just sad because she lost her dad and she needed more love to help her feel better and to make her more happy. I'm sure being left in the animal shelter by her owners did not help her sadness.
If this were to happen in Defiance and I knew the person I would be sure to have a serious discussion with said person. Adopting an animal isn't a choice to make lightly. They're not like a toy that you can throw out when you get bored of it. No, this is a living creature with emotions. It's unfair that they're just moving on from their old animal when they have every chance to take it back in.
I agree with you, like you said in your analogy, when you adopt an animal, you can't just decide you don't like them anymore and send them back to the animal shelter from where you got them. It would be unfair to the animal you adopted because they can't argue with you about going back to the animal shelter. All animals deserve to be loved and cared for.