A Snake Set Your House On Fire?

A woman was doing yard work when she came upon a snake. She threw gasoline on it and lit it on fire. The snake went into a brush pile which in turn lit the house on fire.

What an eventful day for this woman, I'd be really embarrassed to explain this! (: I'm glad shes okay though.

Read the story here.

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  • This is an extreme way to kill a snake. I dont think i would ever use fire to kill a snake. You never know where it will go after it is on fire. I am just happy she is ok.

  • That probably wasn't a good idea. Why didn't she just hit it with a rake or spade or something like that.

  • Wow that is just dumb by the lady you dont set a snake on fire

  • I would have just got like a shovel or something and chopped it in half. My first idea is not to light it on fire.

  • A snake didn't set her house on fire, she set her house on fire. that's a really irresponsible way to kill a snake, or use gasoline for that matter.

  • That is terrible that the house started on fire but I find the situation kinda funny! I mean even I know not to light gas on fire!! The woman probably learned her lesson! I hope everything turns out alright and she has a place to live... with no snakes!

  • I bet that girl didn't plan on that snake setting her house on fire. She probably learned to never start a snake on fire again.

  • Wow. Why gasoline? What is that going to do to a snake? Besides that, why did she feel the need to kill the snake? It wasn't harming her or anything.

  • That is so sad but hilarious! Like that is something 2Taylor also known as Taylor Wagner would do.

  • OMG THIS IS SO SAD AND CRAZY. i have this friend (TAYLOR WAGNER) and she is so scared of snakes and i feel like she would do something foolish like that, but this is extemely devestating for this lady.. IM SORRY

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