This little boy is still alive and he fell out the window of a ninth floor apartment and it was in Silver Spring, Maryland. and there were a tree that broke the fall and a women found him and she call 911. So then the little boy did not know who was their parents.
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Ouch His parents should've been paying attention instead of letting him by the window.
That's horrible! I'm glad to hear he is doing alright! I wonder what caused the accident.It's good the woman found him otherwise he might not have made it due to blodd loss.
Im so glad he is alive! its a miracle that the tree was there and that the women found him!
That is really scary. He should of died not saying he should but it is just not possible. somebody must of been watching over him. Like a guardian angel sorta person. His parents must feel really happy but they also must of been scared out of their minds when they saw him fall.
aww poor littl guy i feel so bad for him its good that he lived and my prayers will be with him and his family
Oh my gosh!! My first question is how did this happen?? And why did the parents not call 911 right away instead of having some women find him and call? I would totally put the parents at fault for this, no doubt. Because of this tragic accident the little boy might have brain damage for life. My prayers go out to this little boy!
How did he survive that?! He is very lucky to still be alive. Thank god he is still alive.
OH MY GOSH! That is so sad:( I can't imagine what his parents were thinking when they realized what had happened. I can't imagine being told that my son fell out of a ninth floor apartment building!
This would be so scary. I don't know if it would be more scary to live through it or watch it happen and have to care for the boy until 911 got there. I so happy to hear the boy is okay and i hope he finds his family.
That is bad, parents need to keep their children on lockdown until they are smart enough to not fall out of windows.