A Fairy tale McDonalds Wedding????

McDonalds in HongKong are now open for weddings.  You can have a cake of apple pies, a dress of McDonalds party balloons and a toast of Coca Cola.  People are actually having these weddings, Honkong McDonalds are already booking weddings for January, 2011.  There are two side of this, though.  You can have this wedding for only a couple hundred dollars, but you really can't have a private wedding, since the McDonalds can't close for you; So while you are saying "I do" random strangers could be saying, "yes I'd like fries with that"  Here is the Link.

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  • thtas cool but stupid at the same time why not just have a regular wedding
  • Id have a hard time staying serious at a wedding at McDonalds! I'd probably have the honeymoon in the play area :)
  • hahahaha. wow. i would NEVER get married in a fast food resturaunt. especially McDonalds! its disgusting. and how does WEDDINGS have ANYTHING to do with fast food?!?!
  • Haha, that would be a interesting wedding to attend, but definantely not the wedding of my dreams, just saying.
  • wow what will they thinkk of next??
  • what an amazing and romantic wedding ha.
  • as good as mcdonalds is.. a wedding there is not cool. though i would like to go to one
  • that is cool i wonder how much that costs haha they should do that everywhere
  • umm that would be really strange if you were sitting in on a strangers wedding.... :P
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