On December 20, 2019, The minimum age a person could purchase tobacco products in Iowa, was raised from 18 to 21. Many hoped that raising this would ensure that older high school students wouldn't be able to provide tobacco products for their younger friends. 90 percent of American smokers reported that they began smoking before the age of 18. People hoped that raising this would help prevent young people from being introduced to tobacco products altogether. The National Academy of Medicine reported that 18-20 is the “critical period when many smokers move from experimental smoking to regular, daily use.” They reported that 46 percent of people become regular everyday smokers before the age of 18. Another reason for it to be raised was overall health. According to the CDC 480,000 deaths occur annually as a result of smoking.
Some individuals were upset with the age being raised. Many that were 18 and already everyday smokers became upset when they could no longer purchase nicotine products. Many believe that it should have stayed at 18 because that is the age of a legal adult and people should be able to make their own decisions about their bodies. Some use the argument that if Americans can serve their country at 18 shouldn't they be able to smoke a cigarette?
I feel that raising the smoking age to 21 was a good decision. I think smoking has a lot of negative effects on a lot of people and whatever we can do to prevent it from becoming more popular is a good thing.
Do you think the smoking age should be 18? Explain why/why not.
Do you think the smoking age should be 21? Explain why/why not.
Should smoking be banned altogether?
In my opinion the age for smoking should be 18. In my opinion upgrading the age to 21 is not going to change that younger people are able to buy it illegally. 18 year people are mature enough to decide whether they want to smoke or not. I think smoking should be banned. It is proved that it affects poeple's health and has negative effects like cancer or causing addiction.
Thanks for commenting Maria. I like that you mentioned that people underaged are still gonna find a way to smoke. These days it was to easy for people to get access to things even when it's illegal stuff.
I feel as if though smoking at the age of 21, while still a poor health choice, is still better than doing it at the age of 18. This is because the body is still somewhat developing at the age of 18 so giving it something harmful can be even more impactful. Smoking being banned all together would be great from a health standpoint but on an economic stand point it's become such a key factor within it that removing it would be devastating.
I agree its better start later. I like how you mentioned the economic standpoint that alone would be crazy to see.
I think that the smoking age should definitely be 21. I know certain kids will find a way to get nicotine products anyway but I think limiting it to 21 helps a little. Smoking has terrible health affects but kids will find a way to get their hands on it anyway.
I agree that even though the age is raised people still get there hands on stuff.
I think that the smoking age is fine now. I feel if it was 18 some high school seniors would be smoking outside the school and I think that would lead to a lot underaged teens to start smoking because their "cool seinior friend" smokes and its soo cool. Though even when the age to smoke is 21 teens still find a way to get ciggarettes. I would not mind if smoking was banned, there is a lot of pros to if tabacco and cigarettes getting banned. A lot of people would be upset that they cant smoke anymore, but it would be for the good.
I like that you mentioned that highschool students would be smoking outside and that could cause other younger student to start doing that.
I agree. There are alot of cons to tabbaco products. And it would upset alot of people if it was banned.
I dont think the age really matters because kids are going to do it if its illegal or not. I dont think that smoking should happen in people who are younger than eighteen because it could cause defects in growing. I dont think that anybody should smoke but they still will.