90 year old lady dances to LMFAO

A 90 year old grandma dances to Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. She has troubles hearing and is legally blind. LMFAO gave a shout out to the grandma. Her response to the shout out was “Here I’m just an old lady that likes to dance. I never expected a reception like there’s been… Enjoy my swagger.” The grandma has since posted more dancing videos on youtube and now even has a twitter account.

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  • Ha this just made my day so much better!

  • old crazy ladies are always funny to listen to what they have to say

  • This old lady is really brave for doing this. If she was not so old she would definitely  have the moves! I love people like this who live life to the fullest no matter what the situation is 

  • Haha this just made my night!  Not that bad for a 90 year old especially since she is blind!

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